Local Places of Interest
Fieldcote Memorial Park & Museum | www.hamilton.ca/fieldcote |
Griffin House | www.hamilton.ca/griffin |
Westfield Heritage Village | www.westfieldheritage.ca |
Local Eats
The Ancaster Old Mill | www.ancasteroldmill.com |
Brewers Blackbird | www.brewersblackbird.ca |
Southcote 53 | www.southcote53tapandgrill.ca |
Coach and Lantern | www.coachandlantern.ca |
Cavallo Nero | www.cavallonero.ca |
Local Historical Organizations
Historical Hamilton | www.historicalhamilton.com |
Ontario Genealogical Society: Hamilton Branch | www.ogs.on.ca/hamilton |
Hamilton Mountain Heritage Society | www.hamiltonheritage.ca |
The Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society | www.headofthelake.ca |
Dundas Valley Historical Society | www.dundashistory.ca |
Ontario Historical Society | www.ontariohistoricalsociety.ca |
Stoney Creek Historical Society | www.stoneycreekhistorical.ca |